Entry for October 05, 2007 Morgan's thank you dinner
(time line wise, this occurs before Jen's hairbrush punishment, and Julie's little adventures..)
All three girls were eager to see Morgan again. Quite a change, especially for little sly, who had a serious case of separation anxiety when I had first left.
How far this was turned around was heard around the house, as a happy ten year old singsong chanted over and over again, "Mor-gans comnin to dinnnner, Mor-gans comni to dinnner." Well you get the idea. She wasn't being overly loud, so, Mom fashion I just tuned her into the background noise. I did look when I noticed that she got a bit quieter while saying it, but that was just because she was at one of our sleeping cats sides, carefully opening her eyes to tell her the good news as well.
Julie and Jen were out shopping for some last minute things, we were having Morgan over to eat, instead of taking her out. Which is fine by me, I like to cook, and like to have the girls help as well, it makes for a nice bonding time.
I had the grill going already, beef slow cooking for a nice carne asada, time to put the chicken on shortly as well.
Fresh tortillas, plenty of cheese, make some enchiladas, as well as some tamales, some chille rellenos , a nice salad, some rice and black beans, some fruit, and for dessert, fresh churros. I had developed a taste for them when I had studied in Mexico many years ago, and they were a favorite of the girls now as well. And flan, of course. Because sly informed me quite seriously that any nice Mexican dinner would Have to have flan if a special guest was coming. Since Morgan was obviously a special guest, flan would therefore be required.
I heard sly making another lap through the house, outside the house, around the front and back yard, and back into the house, just as the other two were pulling up in the car.
I held out my arm as she came by, called out "stop light" and heard her screech to a stop.
"Go help your sisters bring stuff in,and listen to what they tell you, okay?"
"Mooommmmmm! I Always listen!"
and off she shot.
Not too much later, everything in the kitchen, some of the stuff being brought outside, Morgan should be arriving anytime now, and I hear sly squealing for me.
"MOOOOMMMMMM help me they're going to kill me!!!!!!"
You can tell how worried I was.
sly comes tearing up to me, sliding behind me, literally hiding behind my skirt.
"Young lady, you make me trip and spill all this, I am Not going to be happy with your little butt! And please take those grubby little paws off my nice dress, thank you!"
She let go, but still stayed hidden.
"But Moooommmyyyyy! You don't unnerstand! Jen and Julie said since we didn't have a pinata they were gonna hang me from a tree and beat my bottom with a stick! I don't wanna be a pinata!"
Well, that certainly did sound like something they would say.
Turning, I pick my baby up, and set her fanny on the picnic table.
"sly, stop it. " A pout, but quiet. "Do you Really think your sisters would do that to you? Or, do you think they were just teasing you? Think about it before you open your mouth, little lady."
pout think think pout think....
"Yes, they were joking. And you knew it, and just wanted to make a fuss anyways. Now, missy mine, Who is coming over tonight?"
"Morgan is!"
"So, who is going to not fuss and act out and carry on?"
"I will, I mean I won't, I mean, I'll behave!"
"Good enough, baby, now, you're a mess, and Morgan will be here any time now. Jen! Will you please wash the mudmonster up please, thank you...."
When Morgan did arrive, sly did her best to not totally mug her, as she led her outside, asking her what she wanted anything to drink, but if it was something alcholhicy, she'd either have to get me or a sister to bring it to her, and she let Morgan know that she had a place already picked out for her, and did she like flan, cause we were having flan, and churros T0oo! and did you know it was real good if you dunked your churro in your flan, and....
Momma Angie
Comments(6 total) Post a Comment
Offline IM
Sounds like you are keeping them under control, bravo
Friday October 5, 2007 - 02:00pm (EDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Morgans coming to dinner..yay..I like Morgan! Thanks for asking her over Momma...I love you.Jenny XXXXXX
Saturday October 6, 2007 - 10:56am (NZST) Remove Comment
Offline IM
Hi Everyone !!!As Mom Angie knows, mexican food is my favorite, and I was so touched ( and hungry !! ) when she and the girls invited me for dinner. As soon as Sly showed me where we we going to sit in the back yard.. I took a minute, went back into the house, and told Mom Angie that I wanted to make my "Killer Strawberry Margaritas" for the two of us to enjoy before dinner... For the girls, it was to be Strawberry Smoothies ( looked similar but without the alcohol obviously ) and then after my mixology was completed... with glass in hand, I headed back to the yard to sit with Sly.. where I got to tell her that MY FAVORITE dessert is also flan.. and I'm so happy to be here, and enjoying the occasion with their family. The evening, the weather, the company, and the food.. all looked to be perfect.... I was a very happy girl. Thanks to all ...Love and Hugs to everyone,Morgan
Friday October 5, 2007 - 05:52pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Dear Morgan,We are so glad you could join us, thank you for coming over, all of my girls like you, and I like you as well. Hope we had something on the menu you liked, I appreciated the Margaritas, thank you, so much, never cared much for just plain ones, but the strawberry ones, oh yes!We hope to be seeing more of you in the future, both to sit with the girls if I need, as well as just to have a place to come and hang out, if you want to as well. Sometimes it's nice for young women (and yes dear, I consider you young yet..) to have a second family to come to at times.And, who knows, perhaps you might need some occasional mentoring and mothering yourself...love,Angie
Saturday October 6, 2007 - 01:14am (HST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
What a good idea Momma...we'd love to have Morgan around a lot more...she is drop dead gorgeous, and real smart, and funny, and kind and...oh, I guess my crush on her is showing again! So what, come on over Miss Morgan..we miss you, don't we Sly and Julie?Hugs and kisses, Jenny
Sunday October 7, 2007 - 05:51pm (NZDT) Remove Comment
Mommie, you made everything so beautiful here tonight. You always make our home feel so warm, cozy and inviting. All my friends wish you were their mother. I'm so glad you are my Mommie. We are so happy to have you home and we missed you so much. Morgan really did do a great job babysitting too. ::blushes:: I won't be misbehavin' in front of her anytime soon, I know that! And I hope you come over lots more too Morgan...Jen seems to get very nice when she knows you are coming around. I like that :Grins:Dinner was Excellent Momma! :kiss: May I help clear the table while you and Morgan visit some more? ::YAWNS::Wide Eyed:: I'm not tired either Mommie.love,sly
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
19 hours ago
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