Entry for September 07, 2008 For sly and Jen (and whoever wants to eavesdrop)
Now, while I do appreciate your recent comments, not all who come to my blog go back and keep checking to see if anyone has commented, so, instead of this being hidden, I've taken some of your recent comments,and put them all in this post, where I will discuss them with you.
sly, quit squirming. It might be embarrassing, but no more so than getting your bare fanny spanked in front of everyone. Which has happened more than once. As it has for you too, Jenny dear.
First, miss sly..., you said:
b-but Mommie! i said...and you said...an...an...Gosh!
i'll go get the paddle, Ma'am...
Kiss! A Very good girl I have for not fussing and doing what you were told, I'm So proud of you!
kiss and hug and a pat!**************************************************************************
Next, miss Jen,
Angie mommy...for someone who has never been caned in real life, you describe it very accurately and believe me I know that from painful experience! as the song goes "there is nothing like a CANE" Giigle.Love, Jenny
Well, I wasn't fibbing Jenny dear, I haven't been caned, ever. Been switched more times than I care to remember, so a lot of my 'feelings' and such were based on that, and my limited caning vid viewing. I'm glad you thought it accurately represented things. As you and sly know, your Daddy has said if we ever meet someone (or a couple) who we trust and like and who are experienced with the cane, that if I get into trouble, I will be sent to them for a caning,with him watching! Eeek! Actually he said I would get punished by them on two occasions, the first because I had no idea what to expect but at least once more, when earned, since this time I would know what to expect!
And young lady, is there Really a song that says that about the cane? If so, I expect to see it on your blast in the near future.
And from my bratty and helpful oldest again!
Poor little Sly..she must have a sore botty! I think her spanking needs to be finished of with a good taste of the strap...a dozen right across her bare underbottom as she dangles over the couch with toes way off the ground! That would make her howl and pulling up panties afterwards would be very salutary!
Love you both, Jenny XXXXXXXXXXXX
Hmmm, yes, I'm sure miss sly is feeling the love. And hope she didn't use bad language when she read this and get into trouble from her Momma, if she got her mouth soaped because of this, you will be getting the same, Jennifer Ann, is that clear?
And I have No doubt her little botty was quite sore, that was the intent. And So helpful for you to suggest the strap, especially when you didn't know all of what was going on or why exactly she was in trouble. That isn't being a very good big sister now, is it, Jennifer Ann?
So, helpful one, this is what I want you to do, and, dear? This is a Mom type 'suggestion', meaning, you Are to do that, understood!?
I want you to print out both the punishment I assigned sly,as well as your own helpful suggestions. And then give them to Nikki for safekeeping. When you next visit your Aunt, have her give them to her. You can feel what you wanted your sister to feel.
And as an added reminder, young lady, I want you to pick up, in case you don't already have one, a nice, Snug, pantygirdle to pull up after your little lesson. I'm sure you will be happy with the way it holds in the 'warmth' after.
and back to sly,
blow, sweety...
Yes babygirl?
i did what you said, and Momma Dodie said she had a very nice time tonight, and i should thank you for her.
Please tell her she is Most welcome, sly.
and kiss for being a good girl.
Mommie? She did it way, way, wayyyyyyyyyy more than six sets of three!
Oh Really? Spank! sly Samantha! Spank!how naughty were you that you needed That much more spanking, little girl! Goodness! Spank!
did you fuss? did you squeal? did you cry and beg and wriggle and kick?
And some Other things too that were Really embarassing, Ma'am!
That you can share with me in private if you wish, instead of here or on your blog.
And i'm sitting here now, on a Very sore, Very red, very bare bottom updating you now like you instructed, Ma'am.
And I'm glad to hear that as well, nice when you listen. Are you on your punisment mat, young lady?
i'm sorry i didn't comment sooner, Mommie. i know you understand why. And thank you for helping me get back on track, Ma'am. kiss.
Most welcome, sweety, really. As for getting back on track, you are Required to go through and answer all my posts for the last week, even if it's just a short I like this or I don't like this sort of comment. Mommie does Most of these for you, and I want to know you have at least seen them, are we clear?
Now, before you start pouting any more than you already are, I want you to get your Loopy out and and go stand in your corner, bare bottom holding it, for FIVE minutes.
And while there, think what that same Five minutes will be like if Momma takes that Loopy to your fanny for that Full time, with your bottom nice and high and parted. Think of it as something to meditate on.
Now,I'm sure you don't want to really feel what that is like, so, I will be expecting in the Very near future to see those comments, sly, think of them as your 'updates'. Non negotiable.
i love You,Your babygirl
sly again...
Mommie! I LOVE this story. And I have Lots to say about it, and I told you some of it privately, but i know Lauren and i still owe you an answer here...and we are still discussing what we'd like to do, Ma'am.
sly dear, that's okay, you've commented now, the rest can be private when you girls go upstairs and compare bottoms. And, I already Know what you two will choose when it comes to taking the spankings vs the grounding....
ps...winks at Jenny. I like how you think, sis! And so you know, after my trip over the couch tonight just like in the story, I certainly Don't want any panties pulled back up! So, it's bare bottom for me for the rest of the night...Mommie says so! Hugs!
tsk, shameless girl, running around the house like that...
Love to both of you,
Comments(3 total) Post a Comment
Redd B
I feel like a perverted uncle for eavesdropping on these conversations. But they are so enlightening as well as entertaining.
Sunday September 7, 2008 - 01:30pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Dear Mommie,As to the first comment..::Beaming Smile:: Thank you, Mommie! kiss!Feelin' the love here, lololol. That was Funny, Mommie! And sadly, no, i didn't get a mouth soaping for cussing when i read this...it would have almost been worth it though to know Jenny would get her's soaped as well. But no, Mommie, i didn't get one. ::sticks tongue out at Jenny::And yes Ma'am, i fussed, squealed, wiggled and kicked a Lot! And in the middle of all the crying and begging, i let out an accidental giggle...coz my panties were dangling off one foot like a surrender flag, and i remembered you writing about that happening to you before and a giggle came out in the middle of it all.Thank you for letting me tell you the rest in private, Ma'am. kiss.No Mommie ::covers bottom:: i wasn't on my punishment mat. ::clinches bottom::We are Crystal Clear, Ma'am! And thank you, Mommie. For writing so much for me, and for taking time to set tasks for me and not letting me get away with anything. kiss. kiss. Thank you.Gosh, Mommie! BLUSH! ::hides my face under your arm:: BLUSH! yes Ma'am. Five minutes. Blush!Thank you, Mommie...about Lauren. kiss.Love,~sly
Sunday September 7, 2008 - 09:21pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Mommie? kiss.i did my corner time, Ma'am. Did it just like you said.kiss.Thank you, Ma'am.Love,~sly
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #579
3 hours ago
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