Okay, this one, the story is very short, but ended up with 49 comments!
Entry for August 28, 2007 I want you in tight...
as in skintight, jammies, the ones that cup and creep up between your cheeks, thin, so I can see your skin through them as you stretch and move...
I want to pull you between my legs, and then over my lap as I scold you, hand roaming over that quivering delicious rump.
I want to spank you, Hard, till you kick and squeal and fuss, because you can't help it anymore. And then I'll scold you about how you sound and carry on like such a little girl, from a simple spanking...
And then back up, cause those jammies are so tight, how I need to get them down. I slide my fingers in your waistband, slapping your hand lightly, your bottom harder, when you try to stop me.
And down they come, to your knees, and you look So cute, the way you do that whole bent leg and cover your front stance, sigh.
And over you go, young lady, between my legs, and that prompts begging, because you Know that means I'm going to lock your legs in place,and I do, ignoring your frantic begging, bargaining, pleas and promises, and I reach for the small oval plywood paddle, the one with holes, and bring it down so it covers both cheeks at once, low, and as you squeal loudly, and then start to cry, your real spanking starts....
Ms. Angie
Comments(49 total) Post a Comment
joe m…
Offline IM
mmmmmmmmm that was short , and yummy!
Tuesday August 28, 2007 - 06:08pm (CDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Oh yes please Mommie...long and hard on the bare botty then an enema, a hot bath and you can tuck me in for the night...sigh!!Little Jenny
Wednesday August 29, 2007 - 03:43pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Oooo...Jenny topping from the bottom again! A woo woo!
Tuesday August 28, 2007 - 08:45pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny dearest, for you, sweety, the hot bath would be prespanking, so that lovely bottom you are so proud of is all pretenderized and sensitive; I know that a damp bottom spanking hurts at least twice as bad! And for your enema, I think the bulb syringe, and a nice, full bowl of sudsy lather...and of course I'd tuck you in after, silly! I Hate stories or those that simply abandon their girls after a lesson; you got your spanking, that was the discipline part of the love, now you get the cuddles part....
Tuesday August 28, 2007 - 05:57pm (HST) Remove Comment
Mmmmmmmmm Ms Angie, you write the nicest things a girl could wish to read.:)
Wednesday August 29, 2007 - 09:37am (BST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Sly...I was NOT trying to top from the bottom and anyway, look who's talking superbrat !!!Dear Mommie Angie, I think a spanking on my warm, damp and obviously bare bottom would sting SOOOOO much but it would be yummy to be cuddled afterwards. Er, just how big is your bulb enema...I have my tight little bottomhole to consider!!Kisses to you both, little girl Jenny xxxxx
Thursday August 30, 2007 - 05:03pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Superbrat!?! ::looks at MsAngie:: Did you hear that MsAngie? She's calling me names! I should be allowed to watch what happens to her when she gets out of that tub. ::Eyes Widen:: Did you SEE THAT MsAngie!?!...She just stuck her tongue out at me!!! Are you going to let her get away with that? Mean Thing Jenny!!HUMPH ::folds arms::~Sly
Thursday August 30, 2007 - 10:22pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny! No talking to sly, missy, you are in trouble with me, not her. sly, of Course you can watch everything. As for the bulb enema, Jenny dear, do you mean the bulb, or the nozzle? The bulb isn't that big, about half the size of my fist, part of the punishment, takes LOTS of insertions and reinsertions,dear. All while you struggle to retain the water already in you. As for the nozzle, well, have different sizes for that,from little finger thickness, to Quite a bit larger! Squeals guaranteed!
Friday August 31, 2007 - 01:05am (HST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Sly...you are SOOOO going to get it from me when Mommie isn't watching. I know how to spank too!!Dear Mommie...I know I have been just a little bit naughty and I deserve the spanking I've got coming to me but it will be so humiliating to have Sly watcing especially when you spread my buttocks to put the nozzle in my bottomhole. Insertions and reinsertions?? how many times are you going to put it in???? I always squeal, clench and squirm when anything is put up my bottom but I hope you won't give me extra spanks for that...I can't help it!Contrite Jenny XXXXXX
Saturday September 1, 2007 - 11:26am (NZST) Remove Comment
"I know how to spank too!!" ::PERK:: Jenny, you wouldn't DARE!! ...Would you? ::giggles:: ::Suddenly develops this great interest in whatever Mommie's doing as to make sure she's not far from sight in case Jenny's lurking around somewhere::Momma? Would you be upset if any of my big sisters try to spank me? They've all been looking at me funny lately, and I just have a feeling they are going to try something when you aren't watching. Can I go to work with you this week? Can I have a hug? ::Hugs you tight and catches a glimpse of Jenny in the other room looking at us...squints eyes and sticks out tongue as I squeeze tighter:: I love you Mommie! *GRINS* I have some extra towels if you need them for Jenny. ::skips behind and follows you into the room where Jenny is waiting for her enema::
Monday September 3, 2007 - 10:46am (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Hey there Mommie's pet...don't think you can hide behind her skirts indefinitely...your time will come and boy, will I enjoy smacking your bottom...your BARE BOTTOM that is!! I know Mommie will blister mine for doing it but what the hell...the opportunity to take down your panties and spank your little botty is worth a good tanning. Errr Mommie, the tanning won't be TOO severe will it? Pretty please??? And you won't really let little Sis watch my enema will you...it would be so shameful to have her looking at my little rosebud, I'm blushing at the thought!!Love and kisses to you both, Jenny
Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 06:06pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Jennifer, my dear, you had better be worrying about your own pretty bottom, and Not thinking about sly's little rump right now. Spank! And, young lady, I already told you she could watch, so no more whining and backtalking about that!And you are So right about your getting a Good tanning if you spank sly without permission!However...When I'm out of the house, either you or one of her other sisters will be in charge. At those times, if sly doesn't behave, you are old enough to spank her if she earns on. BUT, you better not set her up, or spank her without reason. Not that she doesn't get into enough trouble on her own...Now, as for You missy, over my lap, enema time!
Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 01:27am (HST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Uh Oh.....you only call me Jennifer when I'm in serious trouble so I guess you are going to tan my bare behind after my enema is finished...ouch!!Oh well...over your lap I go. I feel so helpless bending over your knee without a stitch of clothing on...very little girlish! Oh Mommie, what are you doing...please don't pull my cheeks apart like that...you must be able to see EVERYTHING and, worst of all, so can Sly...I'm turning bright red and I'm sure a certain part of my anatomy will be turned even redder soon...I noticed the hairbrush and strap have been laid out ready for use. Oooooh...what is that you are rubbing on my bottomhole...its very slippery...owww...ooooh...is that your finger up my bottom? Oh Oh...don't wiggle it around like that...its making me really squirm. Spank Spank "keep still little girl...how can I lubricate your bottomhole properly if you wont keep still?" I fall silent, dying of embarrassment at being exposed and fingered in front of little Sis.But worse is yet to come...oh goody!!Kisses, Jennifer
Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 10:16am (NZST) Remove Comment
::face turns beet red as I see Jen wiggling on top of Mommie's lap with fingers inserted in her bottomhole::a funny feeling inside overcomes me and my knees go weak::puts hands over eyes and tells Jen:: I'm not looking Sis! I'm not looking anymore!! As the session goes on, I can hear please and cries from Jen and I can't help but peek a time or two...my face goes stark white and I feel my throat closing up at the sights I see. Then I look up and see the look on Mommie's face...it's a warm but stern look...Very concentrated on the task at hand...maternal...kinship...All of a sudden, I felt a very close bond and accepted that this is what happens in our family when you misbehave. Poor Jenny...kisses, ~Sly
Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 07:43pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Ooooh...little Sis...I've gone all gooey inside...you have captured the bittersweetness of being lovingly but sternly disciplined by someone who cares about you. Such a warm, secure but scary feeling...sigh!!I think you, me and Mommie Angie would make a cute family...I would like to be around 16...feeling I'm all grown up but knowing I'm not...trips over Mommie's knee would frequently remind me of that. What about you Sis...younger or older? Of course we could have lots of sisters (volunteers please!!!) Mommie, how many daughters could you handle? Of course, you might need assistance from Daddy..scary...I bet he REALLY spanks when he's cross!Now, where are we up to with my bottom washout...am I on the second or third bulbful and when oh when do I get to go potty? I'm torn two ways...I want the shameful enema to be over but when it is, I have to get the hairbrush and strap!!Oh well, I know Mommie is only doing this 'cos she loves me..you too Sis.Kisses, Jenny
Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 07:02pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Jennifer, hush!Smack! Even though this is the first time your little sister has seen this, it certainly isn't the first time you've been over my lap for an enema, missy! Smack! And that slippery stuff is vasoline, as you very well know.Smack!And breath, relax, relax your bottom, Jen, now, Jennifer, I said relax. I can wait, until you do, young lady. And I can, only so long you can keep your bottom clenched that tight, and if you try to keep it clenched your bottom will just cramp...And eventually you relax, again, and I part your cheeks wide, and slide the nozzle up your little bottom, getting another squeal, and then a higher pitched and louder one, as I squeeze the bulb, and then remove it. I repeat it several more times. And Jennifer, why in the world do you think I'm going to wait to start your spanking, till after your enema is though?sly, hand me the brush, please, your sister needs a little lesson in manners and a reminder that she isn't as grown up as she thinks she is. Something for You to keep in mind as well....******************************************************************************************************************dear sly and Jen, kisses, you two are very sweet, and that was especialy nice, what you have been writing, and how you two have been acting towards each other, I like that.And Momma could handle lots of daughters, plenty of practice. And you are right about your Daddy, Jenny dear.Love,Momma Angie
Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 10:25pm (HST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Dear Mommie....of course you are right...this isn't my first enema but I still get so embarrassed by them. My little bottom always clenches and puckers up when it is touched let alone penetrated but if that is what is needed I just have to grin and BARE it..chuckle!! I'm sure I will squeal loud and often until its all over but OUCH then the spanking begins. Mommie...how on earth am I supposed to keep the enema in when you hairbrush me when my botty is still full? Having an accident would be awful!!Yes..little Sis is a cutie and we both know our place when it comes to discipline from you dear Mommie...you only spank us for our own good although sometimes we are too distracted by the heat being applied to our bare bottoms to appreciate that!!Does Daddy spank on the bare and does he just use his hand or something even worse?Sly...how do you feel about Daddy spankings....scary huh?Love and kisses Mommie and SisJennifer XXXXXX
Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 10:38pm (NZST) Remove Comment
:::hands Mommie the brush and steps back in case of any accidents:::The only "Daddi" I would ever play with is MsSarah...and she's not a Daddi...just scary/strict enough to be equated with one. In my eye, she's Top Top. In this family, I would think I'd be about 10. Old enough for some serious attitude towards my sisters..old enough to still get into some more serious antics than a younger child, but still young enough to be a bit naive and still need some good looking after by Mommie and big sisters. At 10, you are starting to come into your own...becoming a little more responsible and independent but can still easily fall back into Mommie's arms when frightened, worried or in trouble. Plus, 10 year olds can be Superbrats with their sisters...teasing, bratting, imitating, admiring, threatening to tattle, tag alongs...the Big sister/Little sister relationship is awesome! Specially when you are the little one...and the big one can spank you! ::giggles:: BUT, don't expect me to take it in the same sense as I would Mommie or Daddi's punishments. You better be ready to "take me down" cause I'm not going without a fight! With sisters, I would imagine it would be a little rougher than if Mommie or Daddi told you to come over for a bare bottomed spanking. I'm sure you know what I mean. Kisses~Sly
Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 10:52am (PDT) Remove Comment
"Thank you sly, sweety," and I take the brush from you."Jennifer! You wanted to keep that little bottom clenched, now would be a good time, missy!" And with that, the first Hard brush spank cracks down, right in the middle of the right cheek, followed by spanks to the same spot on her left cheek, and one across the middle. And clenching her bottom she is, trying for that unabum look, the line between her bouncy bottom cheeks Very narrow right now. Thighs tight together, but ankles are already crossing..Sly has Big eyes as she watches and that imp mouth has formed into an O as well..."sly, hon, you don't have to stay, if you don't want to. Mommy isn't making you stay if this is scaring you." Crack! Crack!CRACKCRACK!that last set of four were given to the sit spots,two to each, upward spanks, curving under so I manage to get the underhang of each cheek as well as that sensitive thigh crease. Ankle scissoring has Rapidly progressed to thigh rubbing against each other, as my girl franticaly trys to maintain control."Mooommmieeeeee! Nooooooo, pleassseee, I'm sorryyyyy, reallyyyyy stopppp pleassseeeeee!"I pause, your spanking is over, but it's not time for you to leave my lap yet."Now, young lady, lets finish that enema." And I spread your cheeks again, take the bulb, and insert the nozzle yet again, and fill you some more. And again, four more times, your squeals increasing...And then I let you up, and sly and I watch as you hold your bottom with both hands, not so much concerned with rubbing right now, but trying to hold your bottom together as you hobble to the potty. And sly and I can both hear the squeal, and increased crying that happens when you have to sit, and your bottom hits the seat...
Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 10:49am (HST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Ooooooh.....ooooow...waaaaah...sitting by freshly hairbrushed cheeks on the hard seat makes me howl then burst into tears of shame as my bottom opens wide to empty out the enema. The noise clearly carries to Mommie and Sis which makes me blush and howl even more especially when I involuntarily let out a series of little botty burps which sends Sly into a fit of the giggles. "Missy...don't laugh at your sister's expense. You know I don't stand for that". "Sorry Mommie" brighteyed Sly murmurs but then the little brat betrays her complete lack of remorse by bursting into giggles again then "her bottom sounds so funny""Right little Miss, you were warned...over my knee NOW" "Oh Mommie NOOOOOO PLEASE" wails superbrat but Mommie simply ignores the protest, takes Sly by the ear and drapes her quickly over her lap. In the twinkling of an eye, Sly's dress is up around her waist and Mommie's hand is a blur as she delivers 20 or so crisp handspanks to the seat of her little girl's pretty white cotton panties. "Say you are sorry" orders Mommie only to hear "shan't" in reply. "we'll soon see about that" Mommies fingers slip under the elastic in Sly's panties and slowly they are taken down to her ankles where they sit prettily around her little white socks. Mommie thinks how cute Sly looks...red bottom up in the air....bare legs and her white panties and socks around her ankle like a flag of surrender. Cute or not, Mommie resumes the spanking and poor little Sly finds out that Mommie's spanks on her bare bottom hurt MUCH more than on her panties."OWWWWW...PLEASE STOP MOMMIE" she sobs...Mommie lookks at her bottom then feels each cheek in turn...yes, her tears are genuine but just a few more...SMACK SPANK SLAP SPANK SMACK SMACK 6 resounding spanks on Sly's sitspot gets howls of anguish and a very contrite little girls gets up and shuffles into the corner where she will spend the next 10 minutes."Jenny, hurry up and finish in the toilet then have a shower and get into your jammies. Sly, you can shower with Jenny and then jammies for you too. Since you are both feeling so sorry for yourselves you can share a bed tonight but NO talking or giggling or I'll come up with my strap to quiten you down. Understood?"Mommie hears a chorus of "YES MOMMIE" as she leaves the room.......Hugs, Jenny
Thursday September 6, 2007 - 11:24am (NZST) Remove Comment
Hmmm, not sure what poor sly will be more distressed by, getting spanked,or, being a dress, pretty little panties, and girlish socks....
Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 01:53pm (HST) Remove Comment
OMG!! MOMMIE!! OH, you know me TOO well! Funny!Ok Jennifer. Yes, I did giggle when you said that. But I guess you knew I would...why you said it. But Mommie knows me too well and knows that the rest of the story was totally distracted from me for the thought of being in that little dress you so easily put me in. I DON'T do dresses...EVER.Now, nice story and a great multitude of thoughts on how to respond...but until you say you are sorry for the dress, I'm keeping it to myself! ::folds arms and takes a strong stance on this one:: Didn't you read the Boi blog? I Know you did. ::sticks out tongue to Jen::crawls in Mommie's lap for a hug:: ~Sly
Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 09:56pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Poor little Sis...I had no idea the mere mention of a dress would send you into orbit!! I guess I need to indulge my little tomboy sister and I'm sure you will still gorgeous in your shorts, tight jeans or just your singlet and white cotton underpants. Come here Sis...Spank Spank..Spank...that's for sticking your tongue out. Spank again...that was for kicking me just now when I slapped your pert behind!! Mommie...she kicked me again!! Yes Mommie...I'll get the hairbrush.......Hugs and Kisses, JennyPS for Sly...silly little boi...of course I'm sorry that the dress comment upset you. I'd happily spank you till you couldn't sit down for a week but I'd never knowingly do anything to hurt you any other way. Hug..I'm sorry...pats Sis on her round little rump fondly!!
Thursday September 6, 2007 - 06:13pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Jennifer, thanks for getting the brush, remember, you don't get to spank your sister when I'm there, only when you are babysitting! Panties down, young lady, you have a LONG lesson coming!And, I want you to sit that bare little bottom down, and 25 times copy down:I am only allowed to spank when babysitting; and I can't play dress up Barbie with sly when I do.now,back to the story...*****************************************************************************************************************After I hear the shower run for a bit, and I know Jenny has had a bit to clean up, I gather up sly who is redressed and out of her corner, take her into the bathroom, take off her tshirt, denim play shorts, and white cotton briefs, and with a pat on her still red bottom, send her into the shower.After, I dry her off, then send her to her room to get dressed for bed, no more going out to play tonight.(sly, you can pick what you want to sleep in on a hot, humid, summer night...)As for you Jenny dear, I wait till you are almost dried, then take your ear, and away we go to the front room, did you think I had forgotten about the paddle and strap, my sassy, disobedient, daughter? Over the back of the couch you go, bare, damp fanny wagging in the air, still red from earlier. I'm ready to start this little talk, are you?Mommie Angielightly pinching sly's tongue,as she sticks it out again...sly, unless you want another spanking tonight, little girl, stop sticking your tongue out at everyone, missy mine.
Thursday September 6, 2007 - 01:08am (HST) Remove Comment
Jen...thank you! Apology accepted. I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose in any other way than a spanking. But, I had to make it clear. Why does everyone want to feminize me? Even when I was little...must be why I rebel so much against it now...cause I'm grown up and can! Back then, I didn't know what "Hard limits" were...and even if I did, they would not have been acknowledged anyway. Thank you for understanding. ::HUGS::Thank you for protecting me Mommie...and taking up for me. I do appreciate it. And I'm not even going to laugh because she has to write sentences...but I do think it's cute that you added the bit about not dressing me up either. ::Smiles:: ok...back to the story.*******************************************************************No Ma'am! No more spankings tonight! ::decides to keep tongue in my mouth were it belongs::kisses & hugs Mommie then runs off naked to my bedroom to look for some night clothes::digs through all the drawers and through the closet, tossing clothes all over the room trying to find something...decides I have nothing and goes to Mommies room. Hops on the bed and jumps on it a few times...catches a glimpse in the mirror and turns to admire/examine the red hand prints left by Mommie on my bottom. Rubs a little, jumps a couple more times...does one last flip and almost tips over the night table. Goes to her dresser and opens her drawer where I know she keeps her Tshirts and grabs one to put on. No panties cause it's too hot. Just one of Mommies white tshirts that's big on me and wet hair.Hears the commotion going on in the front room and can't help but wander down the hall and spy around the corner. Jen looks so helpless and relinquished...not at all like the self controlled, composed big sister I usually see. I hear her begging for forgiveness and making promises of how good she's going to be and how she'll never do it again. Mommie looks so serious, and again, I feel all funny inside...but I can't help but watch, silently, with wide eyes and a lump in my throat. ~Sly
Thursday September 6, 2007 - 11:36am (PDT) Remove Comment
dear sly, you are most welcome, dear. No, not a lot a girl can do when she is young, and doesn't like the choices the adults make. And you Better not laugh about sentences, as you are This close to doing some of your own, and you know what for, little one.And I was serious about them not winding you up but dressing you up frilly, I know how older sisters can get. But, you Will mind them when they, or your cousins sit you, and you Will wear what they pick out for you (out of your dresser or closet, sweety...)******************************************************************************************************************I smile as I watch my youngest run off, naked as a jaybird, and as carefree about it, too, down the hall to her room. It disappears as I look at my shamefaced oldest, still tearyfaced, and I have to help her down the hall, spanking her to the couch. Just like when my sisters and I were growing up (and this is real...) serious offenses for older girls are dealt with by strap, or paddle, or both. And if a girl was naughty enough to need such a lesson, well, over the knee doesn't work well for such lessons. So, it's over the back of the couch, toes barely on the floor in Jen's case, bottom high and well presented.I pick up the paddle, the smallish school type, that says Mom's paddle on it, from where I placed it on the cushion, walk behind her, and start her paddling. I cover each cheek, and both together, all over, adn her upper thighs as well....Very quickly, earlier fires are lit again, and hotter than before, and legs kick and spread wide, no control now. After her bottom is a deep, painful looking red, I pause, hearing all her Sorries and pleasesss, but pick up the promised strap.I can tell she is sorry, so she won't get that many, but she will get some licks, and a strap on a paddle swollen bottom leaves a Lasting impression on a girl. The first lick, across the plumpest part of her dancing bottom then the next, right at the thigh bottom crease, the next two, below that...and we are done..I see sly peeking around the corner, but this is Jen's time now.."Shhhh, it's all right, it's all done, honey, your my good girl again..." I sit by her, still draped over the couch, and cuddle her, stroke her hair, kiss her head, as I say those basic mom things...I can see she wants to get up, and so I help her up, then walk her back to the front of the couch, and sit her on my lap, bottom hanging off, as she sits there like a little girl in my lap...After a bit, sly comes over, shyly,and snuggles on the other side...I notice what my youngest has on, one of my tshirts, inside out, of course, backwards, and down past her knees...Eventually, Jen sits up more, and asks if she can go clean up. I kiss her and tell her of course. turning to my baby,"sly, sweety, why do you have Mommie's shirt on? What have I told you about borrowing from your sisters and me, without asking, little girl? Are you allowed to go through Mommie's things or play in Mommie's room without asking? You aren't, are you. So, missy mine, lets go to your room, and find something of yours to wear. And I hope that isn't a pout, miss sly, Mommie isnt' in the mood tonight..."And about then, my middle daughter Julie comes through the door, on time....kisses,Mommie
Thursday September 6, 2007 - 10:09am (HST) Remove Comment
:::takes Mommies hand as I halfway skip along side her..looking up at her to answer::: No, Mommie. I'm not allowed to go through yours or Jen's or Julie's things...but your shirts are softer than mine...and they smell sweet, like you Mommie! Besides, I don't have anything to wear anyways. We pass the bathroom where Jen is getting herself back together..and I see the BIG RED strap mark on her bottom and my own bottom clenches at the sight. I feel sorry for her. ::about that time, we both enter my room and you see all the clothes strewn from one end of the room to the other. I look up at you and give you a little smile as my shoulders drop and I think to myself...Oh brother!~Sly
Thursday September 6, 2007 - 04:56pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Oh my poor bottom is on fire but thank goodness Mommie only gave me a few licks with the strap...hard though they were. I rub my bottom and wince when I touch my sit spot...Mommie certainly paid lots of attention to that part of my anatomy. I think I'll temporarily rename it the "can't sit spot" Ouch!Time for bed I suppose so I saunter to my room and get my jammies out. I can feel my sore seat as I pull up the pants...Gosh..were they this tight before my spanking, paddling and strapping? Actually, they are a bit uncomfortable so I slip them off and look at my bottom in the mirror...oh my...its absolutely crimson and I can see the overlapping circles where the paddle landed. But the strap marks...Wow....thick red stripes the full width of my bottom going from mid cheek to mid thigh. Oh Mommie...the stripes will show beneath the hem of my skirts and dresses...oh, how embarrassing!!!!!
Saturday September 8, 2007 - 10:49am (NZST) Remove Comment
Jennifer dear, I didn't strap you That low, so if your dresses and skirts show off your marks, they are Way to low young lady!
Friday September 7, 2007 - 01:12pm (HST) Remove Comment
Hmmm, I was waiting to do sly's part until I got a middle name from her to use...but nothing yet. What does everyone think about Petunia? sly Petunia.... or maybe sly Gertrude...
Friday September 7, 2007 - 02:19pm (HST) Remove Comment
As I walk my youngest back to her room, I hear her chatting away, like always. "sly honey, you know you aren't supposed to take things, you know you aren't supposed to be in my room without asking, unless you have a nightmare, and your things are just as soft as mommies, young lady, and they smell the same too, since that was a Clean shirt so it was washed with they same laundry soap and softener as yours were..."I see Jen looking ruefully at her bottom, can't say that I blame her, I wondered if she would show up in jammies, or a nighty; me, with a bottom like that, would have went for a nighty in a second.And then I pause as I take in the disaster area that is sly's room.Clothes are scattered Everywhere, drawers still open, why she didn't just look through her jammie drawer, who knows.And just that fast, I flip her over my lap as I sit down on her bed, and flip my shirt up off her back and bottom, and start spanking right away.(Everytime you see a capital letter, that means a spank...)"Sly SamanTha JohnSon! What In The World Did You Think You Were Doing? Why Did You Empty All Your Drawers! Why Did You Just Throw Things All Over Your Room? Answer Me, Young Lady!"After that first fast initial flurry, her little bottom is red, her little legs are kicking in the air, and she had went almost instantly from begging me not to spank her to not to bare her to that she was Sooooo Sorrryyyy and Mommieeeee it hurrrrrtttttssss!
Friday September 7, 2007 - 02:38pm (HST) Remove Comment
Mommieeee! MOMMIEEE!! I couldn't find anythinggggg...pleaseeee. I wanted to wear something of yourssss. MOMMMIEEEE..it hurtsss...please stooooppp!! :::cries and wiggles and begs and pleads::: Mommie, I want to wear your shirt to bed...PLEASSEEE don't spank me anymoreee...::kicking and crying::**********************************************************************(And thank you so much for not using Petunia or Gertrude! That alone would have been punishment enough!...Almost as bad as wearing a dress. Samantha is perfect actually...Sly Samantha Johnson. Love it. Sly Sam...Sam = Smart A$$ Masochist. You couldn't have picked a better name. I'm very proud of that name. Thank You!! And BTW MsAngie...I didn't know you were waiting for a middle name from me. I never got the email or comment or whatever it was you used to contact me. Sorry Ma'am.)Kisses,~Sly
Friday September 7, 2007 - 08:36pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Stopping the spanking, I hold my squirming girl over my lap, hand on her red fanny.."Now, missy mine, you may Keep that shirt if you want it for a sleepshirt, but, when I let you up, nose in the corner till the timer goes off, then I want this room picked up, and everything put away, just as nicely as I had it put away before. Now, I'm going to check on Julie and Jen, up you go."I blow sly's nose, give her a kiss and hug, and then it's to the corner. And NO rubbing, little girl, unless you want another spanking....
Friday September 7, 2007 - 06:07pm (HST) Remove Comment
Yes Ma'am...no rubbing! ::sniffles and breaths that broken little breath that happens when you are trying to regain yourself after a good cry::::then an uncontrollable giggle escapes when I realize the shirt is Mine now..then back to a few tears just for feeling sorry for my self's sake::::Nose in corner with red bottom glowing...waiting for the timer to go off::turns my head just slightly to try to hear what's going on in the other room::kiss,sly
Friday September 7, 2007 - 09:44pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
SAMANTHA.......just perfect name for my little Sis......girlie in full but very boi when abbreviated to Sam. Mommie, you done good!!!BTW...Mommie, I've got long legs so I do wear my skirts very short....guess everyone will see the marks from my strapping...shucks!!!!
Saturday September 8, 2007 - 11:23pm (NZST) Remove Comment
::hears the timer go off and I turn to face the disaster area I call my room:::picks up the clothes, one by one, taking care to fold them properly...just like Mommie taught me...and placing them in the drawers or closet were they belong:::before I know it, it's back to the usual, neat, clean room Mommie's proud of::::leaves my room to go find everyone...thrilled that I get to keep the shirt as a night shirt...has almost forgotten about the little hot seat I have now...until I go to sit down that is::catches Mommie's grin as I know she realizes why I shot back up out of my seat::Mommie...I'm done with my room now. ::Proud smile with still tear stained face::*******************************************************************Thanks Jen...I love it! Little Sammie...like that too. Very proud. Mommie...I think Jen's looking for some negative attention with those short shorts on! She looks like Britney at a party!!::Kisses::~Sly
Saturday September 8, 2007 - 09:37pm (PDT) Remove Comment
I peek in at sly a time or two, during her corner time. She can't always be trusted, even with a fresh spanked bottom, to remember not to rub, or to stay there. But tonight, a good girl.I could tell she wanted to rub, but didn't.I hear the timer go off, and hear her racing around her room. How one little girl can make So much noise is amazing. I pause, analyzing what I hear. It sounds like someone threw a superball, hard, into her room and closed the door. thump thump thump , okay, she's running...squeak! BANG thump thump....okay, apparently using her bed as shortcut..But in a rather short time, I hear her race downstairs, and then bang around till she realizes I'm in the kitchen. Running in, she drops, not sits, but drops into an unpadded chair (house rule, no cushions for the rest of the day of a spanking...) and squeals and is up even faster. I can't help but smile, the imp is so cute. She tells me her room is done, very happy with herself."I'm glad to hear that, babygirl. Okay, first, lets take care of this, and I peel off my shirt from her, and turn it the right way, and faceit forward as well, and redress her."Mooooommmmm, geeezzz, I can dress myself, ya know!" embarrassed, rather than sassy. "Oh, I guess that is why it was inside out, and backwards?"I take her hand, and we go to her room, stopping in mine first, where I retrieve the small paddle, the one I used on the other girls when they were younger, like sly. sly had felt it herself, as well.Thin, plastic, made for a paddle ball game, the one where it attaches with a string. The moder replacement for the old wood ones. Light, but stung like crazy.BIG eyes, and Mommy Nooooo. I hush her, and we go to her room. I check all the drawers, the closet, under the bed. Everything is great. "Very nice, baby, but to help you remember, this is staying in your panty drawer for a while.Now,time for me to finish supper, you can help or play or read."Love,Mommaps, no tattling!
Saturday September 8, 2007 - 07:24pm (HST) Remove Comment
I want to help with supper. What are we having?
Sunday September 9, 2007 - 08:15pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
I think a well done piece of rump steak for you little Sammie....just LOVE that name...Mommie, you are a genius!And as for looking like Britney at a party, I have to point out that I am actually wearing panties...DUH!OOPS...just bent over in front of mirror to check...where did my panties go???? Frantic search...phew I've found them...they crept up my bum (inserts fingers, hooks panties out) another look in mirror...hmmmm I either need bigger shorts or smaller panties...any preference?Jenny
Monday September 10, 2007 - 07:47pm (NZST) Remove Comment
::raises hand:: I vote SMALLER PANTIES!! ::runs up and SMACKS! you on your sore botty and runs away giggling::
Monday September 10, 2007 - 08:55am (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Come here you little brat....I'll show YOU what a sore botty feels like...SPANK SPANK SMACK SLAP SPANK SPANKThere, a good old fashioned Six of the Best on the bare botty...and don't you go running off to Mommie to snitch on me...Sammie don't..oh Sammie PLEASE don't tell Mommie...oh Mommie....I didn't mean to...she led me on..oh no Mommie please PLEASE don't..OWW OUCH OH OWW NO PLEASE NO MORE IT HURTS SO MUCH I'LL BE EVER SO GOOD......BTW little Sis, I quite often do wear panties a size or two too small when I'm feeling flirtatious...very tight panties under equally tight trousers show off the most delicious panty line...why wear cute panties if no-one can see you are wearing them?? Besides, as my Aunty Jo once remarked, a visible panty line perfectly outlines the target area for a spanking..giggle!!Nite nite Sammie..you are a total brat but I love you anyway. Nite nite too Mommie...I'm sorry you had to spank me yet again but i know you only did it because you care..big hug and kiss. Sigh.Little Jenny
Tuesday September 11, 2007 - 10:40pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Hey...is this the longest post ever..40+ comments...yahoo!
Tuesday September 11, 2007 - 10:42pm (NZST) Remove Comment
sly, what would you like for supper, baby? Go ask Julie what she wants, since she has been a good girl here...Jennifer, did you just say "duh" to me, young lady? Looking for another mouthsoaping, missy? And the strap?Jennifer, what have I told you about spanking your sisters when I'm here! You want six of the best, fine! Getting the tawse! Over the back of the couch, young lady! baring your bottom (you never did say if you went with jammies after your spanking or a nighty/nite shirt...) Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!Crack!Crack! There, feel all grown up and bossy now?Into the corner, and No rubbing, unless you want me to start over!(okay Jenny, we need a middle name for you too! And, I agree, I Love it actually, when women wear panties that are a bit small, and the top and bottoms of their cheeks peek out, and yes, know what you mean by the pantylines like that...though don't think you are going to be as happy skinning your sore, throbbing bottom back into those tight panties AND jeans, after a lesson.
Tuesday September 11, 2007 - 02:01am (HST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Oh Mommie.....I said Duh to Sly not you...I wouldn't DARE to cheek you like that...honest!!!I bend obediently over the couch and the seat of my thin pyjama pants is stretched skin tight across my full young buttocks. I am wearing little panties underneath and you smile at the sight of my panty line. The smile does not prevent you from slipping my PJ bottoms down to my ankles and you see my bare lower cheeks exposed in all their glory. You pat my bottom fondly "well, little missy, I'm either feeding you too well or we need to go shopping for panties that cover this little bottom properly. Which is it Jennifer?" "Oh Mommie...I'm not fat" I protest. "Of course not honey. A girl's cheeks are supposed to be round like this" you chuckle as you underscore your comment by firmly slapping the lower curve of both buttocks. "I guess we'll be going shopping for panties tomorrow then ,and Sly, its time we bought you some new underpants too" Sly screws up her face but I smile inside. Mommie is buying me PANTIES but little Sly is getting UNDERPANTS. I'm a grown up and Sly is a baby...I'm going to get proper undies to prove it!!Hey, you tug my panties up between my cheks and I feel suddenly very exposed and not at all grown up. Crack!! Yow the tawse bites into my bare botty. Crack Crack Crack! Oh Ouch..they sting Crack Crack! Six of the best. Oh Mommie I'm going to be ever so good from now on...I PROMISEI'm looking forward to going shopping tomorrow to get some new pretty panties. What about you Sly?KissesJenny
Wednesday September 12, 2007 - 04:41pm (NZST) Remove Comment
MOMMA!! ::knelt down over Julie..slapping her face ever so gently:: Julie's not waking up...I smell something funny on her breath too! Like ::sniff, sniff:: how Daddy smells on Sunday night football. You want me to bring you the belt?
Wednesday September 12, 2007 - 10:58am (PDT) Remove Comment
OHHH!! I hate shopping for panties! Can't I just hang out at the toy store or pet store while you take Jennifer? I promise, I won't get lost. Mommie...you know I can't stand shopping...especially with JEN! She wants to try on EVERYTHING..and she takes too long. And she always pulls my hair and pinches me when you aren't looking. And, she always gives me panties that are too small to try on and laughs and pokes fun! ::thinks for a moment and reviews the situation::Can I get a puppy? a kitten? a hampster? Can we go to that place where they sell the really big cookies? On second thought, I guess going to the mall would be kinda fun. Can we see a movie while we are there? ::jumps up and down:: PAH-LEASE MOMMIE!Love,~Sly
Wednesday September 12, 2007 - 11:05am (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Sweet little Sis.....I think Mommie should buy you lots of sensible white cotton underpants...nothing skimpy..a full seat. I think she should buy you white socks to match...some kneelength and others just cute little anklesocks. Nothing is too good for my BABY sister. Mommie...can I get boylegs and some thongs...all my friends are wearing them under their low riders so the boys can see them. Moo\mmie,,,why are you looking at me like that...Mommie..BREATHE...Mommie no...please...ow thats my ear OWWWW thats my bottom..YOWEE thats my BARE bottom.....
Thursday September 13, 2007 - 06:37pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Jennifer! Crack! I can't believe I Just got done spanking your bottom,and you are already in trouble! CRACK! I watch those full cheeks get red all over again, as I bring the tawse down. Tears come back just as fast, sitting isn't going to be fun for you for a while...I finish up, perhaps now you will remember before you pick on your little sister.. I let Jen hang, limp and crying, over the back of the couch, hang the tawse up in the kitchen on the key rack, apparently a more Visual reminder is needed for a while... I go back to the kitchen, sly apparently went upstairs to check on Julie, as soon as she finished watching Jen's spanking.And then I hear my baby's yell from upstairs, about Julie and how she smells, and then I hear a loud squeal from her sister. sigh....followed by "Mooooommmmmmmm! She did it again! Tell her to stop putting her face in my face when I'm napping!"And sly thundering down the stairs to the kitchen, for safety and to tattle..."Mommie mommie, guess what?!""You were bothering your sister again, after I've told you many times, not to get in their faces like that when they sleep? And that she smelled like her after school snack of pizza and coke, little girl? And no, I don't need the belt, this will do..."I take the wooden spoon from the jar on the counter, take my youngest, sit down, and over she goes, my shirt going up, bare red bottom (these girls, bottoms still red, and still in trouble!) peeking up, and I give her a good, quick reminder, oval spots appearing all over bouncing cheeks...Then I sit the blubbering girl up, tell her to behave, or else, and go back to supper...In about ten minutes, sly is no longer blubbering and is by my side, chatting away.OHHH!! I hate shopping for panties! "I know, babygirl..."Can't I just hang out at the toy store or pet store while you take Jennifer? I promise, I won't get lost. THIS time, I think..."No, you may not, sly..."Mommie...you know I can't stand shopping...especially with JEN! She wants to try on EVERYTHING..and she takes too long."Just because she likes to shop, doesn't mean she takes too long, baby."And she always pulls my hair and pinches me when you aren't looking. And, she always gives me panties that are too small to try on and laughs and pokes fun! sigh, "No sly, she doesn't. And when she does act like a little girl and do that to you, who has usually started it hmmm? And, since Mommie is the only one who has been buying you panties, are you sure you aren't making up a story about her taking you panty shopping, little girl? Since stores don't let you try panties on there, you know, health reasons? Do you need a spanking for fibbing to Mommie, young lady, or were you just telling a story and got mixed up?"::thinks for a moment and reviews the situation::Can I get a puppy? "No honey..."a kitten? "We already have three cats, babygirl..."a hampster? "Baby, we have three cats, I don't think a hamster would like that...but, pouty one, we Can go to the pet store and you can play with the animals there."Can we go to that place where they sell the really big cookies?"No, Mommie has cookies here she made, little girl."On second thought, I guess going to the mall would be kinda fun."Well, good, cause Mommie is looking forward to going with her girls.."Can we see a movie while we are there? ::jumps up and down:: PAH-LEASE MOMMIE!"Maybe, baby, we'll have to see how much homework you have, how GOOD you have been, and what is on."During this, my oldest has shown up,and starts teasing sly about her panties..."Jennifer, let it go.." a warning that only gets partialy listened to.."Jennifer! I have told you before about lowriders! No daughter of mine is going to be showing off her panties, let alone thongs! Under low riding pants, missy! Spank! So help me, if you want to show them off, I'll spank you in front of the boys!"
Thursday September 13, 2007 - 01:57am (HST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
"Oh Mommie you can be such a killjoy at times. Don't you understand that I'm 16 years old...I'm grown up and ALL my friends wear low riders and thongs. You are SOOO old fashioned. And I don't want to show off my undies to the boys...they are so stupid and spotty and I don't like them at all....I would absolutely DIE if you spanked me in front of those nasty boys."Hmmm...judging from the look on your face you might not be in the right frame of mind for this intellectual debate so I think I might just carefully back out of the room and flee to the security of my bedroom. Uh oh...too late...you've got me by the ear again OWWW that really hurts when you twist it like that. What do you mean we are going on a trip to the woodshed...its the middle of summer...we don't need wood! Across the yard you drag me and I'd die of shame if any of the neighbours saw me. Into the shed.."strip down young lady...everything off but your socks" I stare in disbelief "you have just 2 seconds to get bare young lady and if I have to strip you down you won't be sitting down for the rest of the week...NOW STRIP" Hastily I remove all my clothes but I hesitate with my fingers in my panties "take your panties off" you grate through clenched teeth" "Yes Mommie" I slip them off and Mommie holds her hand out. I hand them to her. "You won't be wearing panties for the rest of the day Missy but after I've finished whipping your bare bottom you wouldn't want to wear panties anyway" She pointed to a big sawhorse and barked "get your bare bottom over that horse while I go and get a good switch" Reluctantly I bend over and the wood is hard and prickly under my tummy...I've never been switched before...I thought only nasty boys got whipped with a switch...this is horrible!Not as horrible as the next few minutes. I saw Mommie come back in from the corner of my eye and I went pale when I saw the 3 foot switch in her hand. Mommie swished it through the air and I winced at the noise. It felt very cold when she laid it across my defenceless bottom but then it lifted and SWOOSH. OWWWWW..it felt like Mommie had laid a red hot poker across my rump. SWOOSH...again a burning pain as I felt tears starting to form. "16 strokes Missy...one for each year you've been a brat and don't you dare rise till I tell you we're through. The remaining strokes are sheer hell as every square inch of by bottomsheeks are whipped with that horrible rod...and Mommie didn't confine the switching to my behind. No, she gave me several really good licks across the backs of my thighs right down almost to my knees and YOUCH one stroke acros my the back of my calves...even through my tears it registers that Mommie is deliberately putting marks where they will be seen in public if I wear my usual short skirts. Oh no...we are going to the mall..I will never be able to live this down if any of my girlfriends see that I've been switched. This thought produces a fresh flood of tears as I lay helplessly across the trestle with my poor bottom absolutely on fire..I don't think I will ever sit down again!I feel Mommie's hand on my arm and I am lifted to my feet. "Back into the house Missy...MARCH" accompanied by a firm slap on my tender cheeks I stumble back across the yard not even caring that I'm naked except for my socks...I'm too sore to care!!Sly and Julie are standing silently in the kitchen as I get back into the house. They are wide eyed and have obviously heard every swish and yell...its embarrassing but even more so when Mommie pushes my nose into the corner and says "girls, come over here and see what happens to girls who are rude and insolent to their mother. See those stripes...Jenny won't be able to sit on them for a week..so just mind yourselves or you'll end up with sore bottoms too" A chorus of "yes Mommie" confirms the lesson has been learned and they scoot off to bed.Mommie turns me around,hugs me and sends me to bed with a gentle pat on my rump."I love you" "I love you too Mommie"
Friday September 14, 2007 - 05:20pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
20 hours ago
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