another repost of an old memory of mine....
"OW OWWW OWWWIIII MOM STOPPPPPP!!!!" (that was me, by the way, part way through a little 'talk' with mom...)
"I'm sorryyyyyyyyy I won't fight anymoreeeeeeeee OWWWWIEEEEEEEEEEEE MOMIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE NOOOOOOO!"
Alas, my pleas, as is so often the case, fell on deaf ears. Mom ( I only ever called her mommy at this age, oh yeah, 12 at this time, when I was getting spanked... Not sure if it meant I was regressing, or simply that I was tacking on an 'IEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!' to the end of mom....) kept right on flaming my skinny little butt with her brush, ensuring that both a lesson was learned, and that I wasn't going to be sitting without care in the near future. Finally, using whatever sort of logic or criteria moms use in such circumstances, she finished, and I was dancing around, jeans around my ankles, panties around my knees. Until she smacked my bottom, and directed me to put my nose in the corner. And I did, but quick!
Then it was my older sisters turn for a mom daughter chat. This was daughter number two, Lisa (hey, I know this might not be the same name I've used before, but I forget what fake names I've used in the past....) and she was just 14. Mom and daddy's usual method of dealing with us when there was more than one in trouble at a time, was to spank the greater offender last, as they felt it GREATLY added to their distress having to hear what they were soon to be in for! Or, in cases were all parties involved were equally guilty, the oldest one went last, as they were supposed to be setting an example...
So, while I didn't see Lisa getting spanked, I sure heard it, and Lisa was bawling before mom ever even pulled her pants and panties down! Mom started right out with the hairbrush, and Lisa got the same basic lecture that I had...
HOW many times did she have to tell us to behave!? WHEN were we going to learn to get along, and not fight?! WHEN were we going to learn just to mind our OWN business and leave the other alone!? (this next one was just for Lisa...) WHEN was she going to be nicer to me, and NOT tease me about my, well, lack of development!? (Mine at that point in the talk was 'When are you going to learn to just ignore your sisters when they pick on you?!') WHEN were we going to learn to act like ladies, and not fight like boys?! Well, you get the general idea.
This fight followed a basic pattern. I was in my room, the one I shared with my younger sister, Jane who was 10, and I was on my own bed, minding my OWN business, reading, like always, and not bothering anyone! Until LISA came in, plopped down on my bed, without even asking, and then started shoving me off, and when I shoved back, she said to move it or else, that as little as I was, I didnt need that much room! Sooooo, I kinda put both feet on her butt, put my back to the wall, and shoved, and knocked her right off the bed! Well, she hit her head, started crying, and launched herself right back at me, and took me by surprise, as I was bending down to see if she was really hurt, and then I was on my back, and she had my hair, and was pulling hard, and I was crying now! And then MOM was there and had each of us by an ear, and well, that's about where you came in...
Not a bad start to the day, it wasn't even ten in the morning yet...
One thing about mom and daddy, once the spanking was done, slate was clean, all was forgiven. So, when allowed, I went back to my room to pout and sulk and read, and Lisa went her way...
Later, that afternoon....
My oldest sister, Kari, just 16, had a guy stop by the farm. Jack. Jack and Kari were like the perfect couple. She was one of those girls who everyone just knew even when they were little that they were going to grow up to be the prom and homecoming queen and go out with the quarterback. And she did.
Well, at this time, she and Jack were just starting to go out, daddy had finally just let her start dating, though a lot of the town boys would somehow just 'happen' to be driving by the farm, like ten miles out of town, and stop in for a bit, which daddy didn't mind, as their were adults around...
Jack was SOOO cute! He was 16, big man in school (and our school was so small, we had grades 7-12 all in one building....) and he was big and muscled, in that all american farm boy sort of way, and well, I had the biggest crush on him... As did Lisa...
Now Kari KNEW we both had crushes on her wanna be boyfriend. Me, she wasn't worried about at all, considering, as she so charmingly pointed out, that I basically looked like our ten year old sister yet... (guys without sisters have NO idea how mean girls can be...). But she WAS worried about Lisa, as Lisa had started developing at 13, and was very cute and outgoing.
So anyways, Jack was over, and Kari and Jack were sitting out in the front yard, just talking and flirting, and Lisa and I and were making pests of ourselves, just hanging around, that sort of thing, and Kari Wasn't happy with us. One of those deals were she was trying to ACT all mature around him, but whenever she thought Jack couldn't see her, she would mouth threats at us, so that just encouraged me to torment her, and it simply made Lisa flirt more with Jack, and Jack, being male, didn't seem to mind the flirting a whole lot...
Kari, however was getting pissed, and at us, not Jack of course. Sooo, she brought him inside, to ply him with mom's baked goods, and of course, Lisa and I followed. Now, here is where Kari went WAY beyond the limits of acceptable behavior...
Lisa and I sat down also, but were squirming quite a bit, from you know, our earlier 'talk' with mom. But, it wasn't that bad, no more fidgety than many girls that age. But Kari saw a way to get us both out of her hair with one shot. She said, and I quote.... "Geez, you two sure are squirming a lot yet, still feeling that spanking mom gave you this morning?"
I know! What a bitch! My mouth just dropped open, and my face got SOOOO hot and I just fled, embarrassed, and Lisa who thought she actually had a shot with Jack (hey, I had a crush, but knew he was never going to be my boyfriend...) fled also, but crying.
Kari got by wth it cause mom wasn't in the kitchen, otherwise she wouldn't have dared say anything. Soooo, we fled upstairs to our bedroom, actually, my bedroom and Lisa and I were on my bed, and she was bawling, and I was telling her it was going to be all right, and handing her Kleenex and all. And then Jane comes in and asks what was up, and so I told her. And then Jane, who Kari had been picking on a lot lately too, came up with this GREAT idea! (Jane was always the one to watch out for for revenge type stuff. Like, the time she was pissed at Kari, a couple of years later, and took a seam ripper to a couple of pairs of her skintight pants, down the center seam, but she only ripped out like every third one, so there she would be out in public, bending over, and ripppppp! Or, like the time she borrowed the itching powder from our male cousins when she had a run in with an older girl at school, waited until she was invited to this girls home for a sleepover by the girl's younger sister, and then spiked all of her bras and panties with it. Or, like the time we had trouble with a girl from another school, when I was in the speech club, and she snuck up behind her when she was sitting down, and managed to tack her loose elastic waisted peasant skirt to the seat of the wooden chair she was on, so when she stood up, she pretty much pantsed, or would it be skirted, herself... that was Jane....)
Anyways, Jane reminded us of what daddy had been saying about Kari lately, both that she was getting to big for her britches, and that she was acting like she had a burr in her britches....
Now, out in the plains were we grew up, there were a couple of kinds of common burrs. One was the cockle burr, sticky, got in your clothes, but not that bad. The other were the sand burrs, which were anything from peanut to almond sized, hard, and had VERY VERY poky stickers all over! Where the expression a burr under his saddle came from, cause if a horse had a burr there, and you sat on it, well you were in for quite a ride! Jane said that since Kari kept acting like she had a burr in her britches, we might as well help her out and make sure she did!
Sooo, we got our work gloves on, and went out and finally found some (amazing how things are never there when you need them...). Then we went back to where Kari and Jack were, back outside by the swing, sitting on the ground, backs to the tree. Now, the only reason this worked was because of what Kari had on. They really didn't have a lot of girls jeans were we grew up, mostly we wore boys jeans, but well, when you were like Kari, and had full hips like hers, with a narrow teens waist, and boys pants, in order to fit her big butt they gaped a bit at the back, kinda like a funnel, especially when she bent forward. Sooo, Jane, willing partner in crime, snuck up behind Kari, and when she leaned forward to say something witty to Jack, and her pants gaped and puckered and created the funnel effect in back, she dropped the burr down them, and then Kari, didn't lean, didn't sit back, but DROPPED back down!
Kari got HUGE eyes, she screamed, and yelled and jumped straight up in the air, holding her butt, and she was yelling that something had bit her! And she went running inside...
Jack just stood there, not knowing what to do... (well, in his defense, I think most of the blood was flowing to his little head, and not his big head right about then...) and the three of us were laughing our heads off....
Right until mom called for us to all get inside,and that it was time for Jack to go home! Okay, that stopped our laughing, and worried now, we went in, as slowly as possible, but Lisa spoke for all of us when she said it was worth a spanking...
Well, when we got inside, we heard Jacks car leaving, we saw Kari standing in the bathroom, her pants around her ankles, trying to look at her butt in the mirror, with just her pink nylon bikini panties covering her butt.
And right about then, daddy came in from doing whatever he had been doing outside, to find his oldest daughter standing in her panties in the bathroom, crying,to see Lisa crying in the kitchen, me sniffling, and Jane trying unsuccessfully to look sad and repentant. Poor daddy. He had that look like "oh god why didn't I have sons...".
In short order, with mom doing all the questioning, and she WASN'T in a mood to be messed with, everything came out, but not just what we had done, but WHY we had done it as well! Ha!
Up to then, Kari was looking pretty smug, but when we told mom what Kari had said in front of Jack about our spankings, she looked a lot more worried! Mom called Kari over, turned her around, and pulled her panties down in back, and we could all see what we had accomplished. The burr had wound up, by pure luck, we couldn't have planned it that well, about half way down her butt, right between both cheeks! See, she had filled out a bit down there, but still wore her old panties, which meant that her once mostly conservative bikini panties, were now showing a fair amount of butt cleavage at the top, and Jane's burr had not only went down her pants, but had ended up down her panties as well, and when she had straightened a bit as she sat, it dropped a little lower, and then well, her cheeks came together on it! I just KNEW we were dead, but it was SOOOO worth it after being humiliated in front of Jack...
I thought daddy was going to be mad too, but when I looked at him, he just had his head in his hand, covering his mouth, and he was shaking with silent laughter, tears pouring down his face!
Mom told Kari that she considered the burr punishment enough, but if she EVER heard of her doing something like that to us again, she would find out she wasn't too old for a spanking herself, AND in front of whoever she had told!
As for Lisa, Jane and I, mom called us over one by one, Lisa then me then Jane, and took the spoon to us, over our jeans though. And you could tell her heart wasn't really in it, that she was doing it cause she thought she had to, and that she was trying to keep from laughing herself. We were sniffly when she was done, and she told us if WE ever did something like that again, she would blister our butts.
And that was that...
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
20 hours ago
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