Entry for May 26, 2008 Weekend punishment report
I got into trouble this weekend. I didn't do something I was supposed to do, and was therefore punished for it.
The person I got into trouble with was my online Daddie, and my Husband was kind enough to help out with my punishment.
As I write this, I am sitting bare bottomed on a punishment mat (a fiber welcome mat...), as a little reminder of what happened on Sunday.
I was put in front of my Husband, my punishment dress up over my bottom as I was scolded, and then I was bared, and put over his lap as he spanked me soundly with his hand.
Now, from lots of stories that only talk of punishment spankings and the use of paddles or straps,but many don't realize just how Bad a hand spanking from a strong, unhappy man can be!
But it's nothing to think lightly of, trust me! He spanked me thoroughly, while scolding me, and I was crying and very very sorry! But that wasn't the end of it.
I was sent to go and get my brush, and it's embarrassing and awful to have to get your own brush to be spanked with, and embarrassing to, since its the same brush I've used to spank the girls in the past.
I handed it to him, which is hard to do also, and then was back over his lap for the second part of my spanking, and I must say I wasn't any braver then the girls ever were when they were over my lap.
I must have sounded pretty much like them, as I cried, begged, promised to be good, said how sorry I was, and blubbered.
After my spanking was Finally done, I was taken to a mirror so I could see what happens when I don't listen and do as I'm told, and he took pictures so I wouldn't forget.
Then it was into my corner to cry it out, no rubbing of my flaming fanny, or wiping away my tears.
I did what I was supposed to do, and besides thinking about how badly my bottom hurt, I thought about what I had done wrong,why it was wrong, and what I would do differently in the future.
When I was called out, I had to sit down on my bare just spanked fanny, on the punishment mat, and write an email to Daddie telling her what had been done. Then for the rest of the day, while in the house, I was in the punishment dress,and bare bottomed.
I am still considered to be under punishment, and writing this is part of it.
And before I went to bed, I thought of Daddie giving me a bath, putting me in her shirt, putting me to bed, then spooning me from behind, my hot bottom against her as she took me, playing with me as she did so, and when I had come I thought of her taking my bottom, resting deep in me, and then staying there all night...
I think that pretty much covers it,
miss Angie
Comments(11 total) Post a Comment
joe m…
Offline IM
whew!! is it hot in here or is it just me??
Tuesday May 27, 2008 - 12:04am (CDT) Remove Comment
Tom C
Offline IM
I'm curious what your husband does with the pictures he takes of you after a spanking. Is this a common practice? Does he send a copy to your on-line daddie so she can see your spanked bottom? Does he keep an album or catalog of past spankings? Is this done to further add to the humiliation of the spanking? Does seeing the picture after a day or two (after the sizzling has resided) tend to get you a little titillated? Just curious. - Tom
Tuesday May 27, 2008 - 01:29am (CDT) Remove Comment
nice to see that you get it also. the pictures are a humiliating reminder of both what you did and what happened becuase of it. be thankful that niether one of them shows your well reddened bottom off to others like whagt happens to me
Tuesday May 27, 2008 - 06:16am (PDT) Remove Comment
Ray C
Offline IM
well as a dad myself i think he did a good job with you hon...............i would have done the same thing,,,,,,,,,,tons of hugs and behave next time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,love ya friend for life i hope..................
Tuesday May 27, 2008 - 03:03pm (CDT) Remove Comment
Glad to hear that "your corner" is not neglected!
Tuesday May 27, 2008 - 04:46pm (EDT) Remove Comment
Brett B
My sympathies, and thank you for the detailed report, Angie. You were well and truly punished.
Tuesday May 27, 2008 - 02:49pm (MDT) Remove Comment
Thanks for the update. What does your punishment dress look like? How long have you called it the punishment dress. It my B-day today so my wife told me I'd be getting my 49 spanks today!
Tuesday May 27, 2008 - 04:37pm (CDT) Remove Comment
babygirl,That was a very nice account, and I'm proud of you. You may answer any of the questions on your blog now, but you are Still under punishment until we can meet tomorrow and finish this up, Got it? So, if anyone is waiting for Angie to come out and play, she's on punishment and not allowed off her page until further notice.Nice work, babygirl..and yes, you may watch Tila tonight if you want. Be sure to bring your mongoose so we can snuggle. Kiss.Love,Daddie
Tuesday May 27, 2008 - 05:48pm (PDT) Remove Comment
hi Daddie, and others that have commented as well.Tom- I don't know how common it is with others, but it is for us for punishments.They are put in a punishment journal, and not sent out. They are to add to the shame then, and as a reminder for later. And yes, it does provide erotic thoughts well after the fact.baby-I am thankful for that!Jon-I have various punishment outfits, this was a shorty babydoll style dress, think early Cindy Brady, blush! She chose this one to emphasise my childish behavior.And Daddie did finish the punishment this morning.Thank you for taking the time Ma'am,love,miss Angie
Wednesday May 28, 2008 - 09:07am (HST) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Mmmmmm..Angie as always your posts and situations are SOOOO beautifully erotic and sensual AND realistic. I empathise perfectly with your comments...embarrassment, shame, remorse, need for punishment, satisfaction when it is properly administered and the warm inner glow from a damn good spanking. And as for being taken up the bottom...OMG...that is just the perfect ending..nothing can compare with that feeling.Love and hugs, Jennifer. XXXXXXXXXXXX
Thursday May 29, 2008 - 08:25pm (NZST) Remove Comment
Offline IM
i just love reading your posts. i agree with Jenny and add my empathy. Thank you for posting about your experience. Hugs.
Monday June 2, 2008 - 05:11pm (CDT) Remove Comment
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
20 hours ago
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