I sniffled as I stood in the corner, my pink cotton bikinis with the lacy black trim, at my knees in a tangled untidy rope.
I was feeling most sorry for myself, and my bottom Throbbed, and burned, and seemed to grow bigger every second I stood there. Though it could have been worse. I could have been Seated in the corner. Far far worse.
I thought, as miscreant girls are supposed to, about my latest spanking, and what had led up to it, from my roommate, Terry.
"Look, I don't know why you are in such a pissy mood! I TOLD you I would do my chores, that Doesn't mean I have to drop everything and do them right now, dammit!"
And that was said with a most teenage tone and matching flounce and huff in case she was too dense to figure out how stupid I really thought she was.
"I mean, I HAVE had a bad day at work,and I Should be allowed to have a drink and sit and relax for bit if I want, god!"
And that was all Terry took, before she stood up, tall, way taller than me even without her heels, and she walked over to me, close, so I had to look up, neck cranked up, to see her. I suddenly wasn't as confident as I had been, moments before, but I couldn't seem to look down, or away, either. And when she spoke, that soft alto voice made the butterflys in my tummy flutter madly.
"Oh, is that So, miss Angela Lynn Johnson?! You don't know Why I could be in such a 'pissy' mood? How about the fact that those chores I'm so unfairly on you about, were, by our little agreement, Supposed to have been done and finished FIVE days ago!? Oh, I'd blush too, young lady! But I've let that slide,even taken care of some of them for you, without even the mildest of thank yous, because I knew how much you had going on. I didn't even bring it up till yesterday, now did I? No, I didn't. And now you act as if I'm the wicked witch of the west, when in fact it's been YOU who has been quite the spoiled rotten little girl!"
I started sniffling, Knowing what was going to happen next, and sniffling also, because I was ashamed, because it was all true.
"And you, by now, missy, should know what happens to naughty, spoiled girls!' And that glare let me know this Wasn't a rhetorical question. And I sobbed out my answer.
"T-they get spanked, Terry..."
"You bet they do, young lady. And it's time for yours!"
I yelped as fingers found my ear, and led me down the hall, to her bedroom. I stood where she placed me, Ever so obedient and contrite, now, now that it was too late, as she got her vanity chair, and turned it into the room, and retrieved her Large oval brush, and my crying started then.
She wasn't moved however. I was told to come to her, when she was seated, and I felt soft strong fingers at my waistband, undoing buttons and zipper, then wriggling the tight slacks off my fanny and hips. They finally came down, along, partway, with my panties, and my hands were on her shoulders, out of the way, like she preferred, and I bit my lip, flushing.
"Lift," she ordered, and I did, lifting first one, then the other foot, so that my pants could be taken off. Partly because being so undressed like a child embarrassed me. Partly because she didn't want the cloth in the way should she choose to change positons. Partly because she didn't want my frantic kicking and spreading of legs in a most immodest manner stretching and tearing my good work slacks. And partly, because she didn't want my legs bound, as she liked it when I kicked and fussed like a little girl when punished, knowing I would flush and tear up with shame later, when the immediate effects of the punishment had lessened and I had time to reflect on the whole experience.
Her chair was high, on purpose, bought more for this than anything else, it served to further reduce my adult status, as toes scrabbled to stay on the floor. And then the spanking and lecture started, her hand firm and warm and hard and loving and strict, all at once. And her voice as she lectured me, wasn't that of a roommate, but was maternal, sisterly, auntlike, as she took me to task, listing my faults, telling me what I should have done, and what I needed to do differently.
Spanked by her loving but hard hand till the tears which wet my face were from True distress, and not the imagined (but no less real) distress before the actual event. And spanked some more after that, despite my cries and sobs that it was enough, and that I couldn't take anymore, but I did. A pause, I hope without breathing, and start to sob as my hope disappears as those fingers go to the waistband of my little panties that she bought me, and tug and roll them down my thighs, to just above my knees.
And I feel her reach around, and grab the brush, the same brush I adore when she is using it for it's other purpose, sometimes falling asleep in her arms as she brushes my hair. I will not be falling asleep today.
The brush did it's wicked work, as she relectured me, but expected answers back this time, a sort of litany, as we reviewed my short list of rules and standards that we had worked out since I had moved into her house. And I assure you, there was NO hesitation or fudging or evasiveness in any of my answers, my mind was remarkably focused on the event at hand.
And then it was over, and I was led, sobbing abjectly, into the corner she kept bare, just for my use. Sometime later, I was called out, and I went to where she stood, while she told me that I was going to do my chores now, Right now, as I was panties down, bare fanny on display. And she set time limits for each of the chores I was late on, and if I didn't meet the time, or was sloppy, I was told I was going back over her lap. Right that night.
And I did. Go back over her lap. Twice more, for no nonsense spankings, when I was late once, and sloppy the other time in a desperate bid to finish on time.
After the last chore was finished, she came to me, as I stood there, head down, face red, tears slowly falling, and she wiped my eyes, and blew my nose, and kissed me gently on my forehead, my eyes, the tip of my nose, and my lips. And she told me that she loved me, that she cared for me, and that she hated to see me let myself get like this.
And she set the food that had been cooking on the table, the table that I had just finished setting as the last of my chores. She asked if I wanted panties on, and I most Quickly shook my head no, and she gave that gentle loving laugh, and said she understood, and eased them from around my ankles. I was still bare from the waist down, but now,without the panties at half mast, I felt less childish, if that makes any sense.
She sat, and I sat, on her lap, fanny hanging off so it wouldn't touch her legs. And she made sure we both got enough to eat, with her feeding me, gently lovingly scolding me about taking better care of myself. I got all courses, and dessert, and two glasses of wine, and I was soooo tired and sleepy.
She laughed gently, lifted me up, and took me to the bedroom, hers again, and to her bath, and got me ready for bed, and now, since it was warm enough, when she was done, I wasn't redressed, but led bare to her bed, and she turned the sheets down, and lay me down, mostly on my tummy, partly on my side, and she faced me, and kissed me, softly, gently, probingly at first, more insistent as I moaned and my lips flowered open for her, and I pulsed and throbbed, my fanny, and between my legs, and she rubbed my bottom, and fingers, soft soft fingers,slid between my lips and inner thighs, and I crooned wordless love poems in her ear.
And soft knowing fingers swept between those puffy lips that seemed to melt, and took that moisture I offered her, and she slid inside, while lightly softly circling my firm and greedy little clit.....
And as I fell asleep in her arms, relaxed, sated, happy, contented, satisfied, at peace, loved, I heard her whisper in my ear, the one she had been nibbling on moments before, "I love you, little one..."
And I murmered back, "I love you too, Terry, I love you so much....."
And I dreamt happy thoughts about how I was going to be her good girl tomorrow, and how I was going to wake her up in the morning in my bestest naughty good girl way.
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
19 hours ago
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