Entry for July 24, 2007 Julie and sly ....
(and just because I said Julie first, doesn't mean she is in more, or less trouble than sly, got that you two?!)
Enough already! I'm gone all day, butt head people all around, come to my blog, and you two are squabbling again! And, stupid bloody buggering yahoo 360 won't let me go back and see all the little messages you two have been leaving, either! So I get to Guess how bratty you have been!
AFTER a certain missy just finished lines, the other was threatened with her own set, and did complete a time out, and I had promises that you would each behave. VERY disappointed with Each of you.
Hush. Now. Both of you.
Not mad, disappointed. That you lied to me and acted out so quickly.
If you were here, there would be two Very red bare little bottoms peeking out from opposite corners of the room. The Least you could expect would be the brush, but the mood I'm in, more likely the paddle, or strap. I'm thinking mouth soaping too, for lying about being good and all, and then acting up so soon.
After your corner time, but while those fannies were still red, I'd put you each at a different table, where you couldn't see or talk to the other, and you would sit on an unpadded chair, bare bottomed, and no, I really don't care who might see or who might come over, next time, behave if you are so worried about your modesty!, and you would each get some writing homework.
And then not permitted to talk to each other the rest of the day, like my mom and aunts used to do to us girls when we squabbled too much.
Now, for you, and others. I'm going to be gone, more than likely a couple days, part work, part pleasure, so no panicking when I don't answer. But I darn well better see something from both of my brats that says you two are playing Nice with each other, or there Will be a long distance punishment, for each. And I don't mean play.and Donna sweety, loved your story, silly yahoo wouldn't let me post...
Aunt Angie
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OK Auntie, Sorry. Good luck with work and I hope you enjoy the pleasure. Thank you.Julie xx
Wednesday July 25, 2007 - 11:12am (BST) Remove Comment
Dear MsAngie,I apologize for arguing with Julie and disappointing you. We'll be good while you're out of town. Sorry you are so upset you would use the paddle or strap. ::shivers:: sorry Ma'am.sly
Wednesday July 25, 2007 - 09:38am (PDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Definitely the strap...you two are SOOOOOO naughty! I think a good 25 acroos your bare bottoms is called for...I'm happy to do the counting for you if you can't concentrate properly...smirk!!KissesJenny
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
20 hours ago
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