Entry for March 12, 2007 I was spanked on Sunday...
And not the good girl kind, either.
My Husband had told me Saturday night, that he thought I was slipping, both in attitude, and in remembering not to get involved with gossip. While I am not so much a spreader, I must blushingly admit I am an avid listener. And even more embarrassing, one of the worst places that this takes place, is after church, when the other women gather for a bit.
So, he said, I was to get a preventive spanking Sunday morning. Horrid coward that I am, I was worried, and my bottom was tingling the rest of the night.
First thing Sunday morning, after we were up, I was at the foot of the bed, head and shoulders down, bottom up and very bare, as he spanked me with the Adam and Gillian's Loopy Johnny; for those that don't know, it's several rubber loops, and is absolutely quiet, which is important since the girls are in the house. I am not, but my crying is muffled by my pillow.
It was a hard spanking, but still, not as bad as an actual punishment for the same offense would have been, and I had a very tender bottom the rest of the morning, especially as I sat, to remind me what to do, and not to do.
Offline IM
Excellent discipline. I feel this was fair. Do you?
Monday March 12, 2007 - 02:38pm (GMT) Remove Comment
Offline IM
I too use preemptive spankings to help remind before Kay disobeys.Sitting in church, wearing a skirt and NO panties, with a freshly spanked bottom is a very good way to remind.Never has Kay broken her guidelines when she has been like that, bravo to your HOH, for great insight and making sure you understood what is expected of you.Sir Don
Monday March 12, 2007 - 10:39am (EDT) Remove Comment
I got spanked yesterday too, but mine was a loud, noisy and very hard paddling. Still feeling the sting.Dave
Monday March 12, 2007 - 08:07am (PDT) Remove Comment
Yes, I think it was fair; I don't mean that I'm just 'accepting' it either, but that he was indeed correct when he said I was backsliding.Something apparent to others, but not to me yet, and while a teary experience, it is Much better than getting a punishment spanking, and after, I felt better, calmer, more centered, more feminine. But those pews are SO hard on a welted bottom!And I'm blushing, both at home, and later at church, because I'm worried that others will somehow know, from how I walk, or move, or that I might gasp when I sit, and besides my two girls who are spanked, I know that there have to be other women and girls who are, or were spanked, and I wonder if they can tell I just was as well. But, I was very well behaved!
Monday March 12, 2007 - 05:11am (HST) Remove Comment
Poor you but i guess you deserved it lol. hugs xx
Monday March 12, 2007 - 04:23pm (GMT) Remove Comment
I remember when you wrote about that on the DDR too angie, poor you... stop the gossip girl!
Monday March 12, 2007 - 12:54pm (EDT) Remove Comment
Offline IM
Ohhhhhh... I hope you felt better after it was over. I always do. Did he put any baby oil or lotion on you afterward? I usually get that after a really hard spanking. I am usually an emotional wreck for a few minutes but after that, wow I feel soooo good!
Monday March 12, 2007 - 12:04pm (CDT) Remove Comment
I used to get spankings from my last bf like that. he would spank me because he felt i was slipping or that he just thought i deserved it. I too always wondered if people could tell if i had gotten a spanking.
Monday March 12, 2007 - 10:48am (PDT) Remove Comment
Offline IM
Well your bottom might not have agreed at the time, but you're better off getting this correction of your back-sliding. I'm sure the hard wood pews gave you a chance to think it over and keep you from gossiping (at least this Sunday anyway). Do you think you did anything to make someone suspicious? I'm sure you were very self-conscious about your bottom and trying not to show any signs that you were recently spanked. I think your husband picked his timing very carefully.
Monday March 12, 2007 - 09:18pm (EDT) Remove Comment
Offline IM
A spanking before church...Oh my goodness! That brings back some memories...Hope you're feeling better. Hugs.
Tuesday March 13, 2007 - 04:41pm (EDT) Remove Comment
Well deserved, best to hav egot it over with!
Wednesday March 14, 2007 - 03:10pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Hey all,Hey Tink, sorry the DDR group went down, and I hadn't been gossiping, or even listening while others did, I have been excusing myself, and leaving when the others start gossiping. But, he thought I needed a little reminder to mind my manners. Rachel, no, didn't get any lotion right after, he likes the lesson to stay with, but, after church when we got home, yes, I got my bottom lotioned then, yum!Julie and Ouch, I am Always worried after a spanking, especialy a discipline or punishment spanking, that others somehow know. As I know there have been times I simply knew other women or girls had been recently spanked. So you try not to sit to fast, so you don't make a noise when your bottom sets down, but you can't go to slow, so people wonder, and lots of little things like that... such as how you shift and squirm, trying to get comfortable.
Wednesday March 14, 2007 - 03:38pm (HST) Remove Comment
Your husband looks loving and indulgent!Were your parents stricter than him? And how strict are you parents to your children?Thanks and, pls, no gossip :-)
Thursday March 15, 2007 - 06:21am (PDT) Remove Comment
Yes, he is very loving,but oh my, you think he is indulgent?! What would you have done, in his place?As for my parents, I would say about the same, in terms of strictness, not a lot of foolishness was put up from from their daughters.And we raised our kids pretty much the same way,very old fashioned, very traditional.Angie
Thursday March 15, 2007 - 11:35am (HST) Remove Comment
Glad to hear that you and your hubby believe in discipline for your chidren and that you accept his corrections when needed. The beauty of a spanking is that the offense is over when the correction stops. Interesting to note that as you had been gossiping after church he chose to correct you prior to going to church... Somehow I don't think there was a lot of gossip that Sunday! A couple of questions: Is your church one that supports correction and teaches Biblical values regarding discipline? I am very intersted in finding out more about how the leadership of various churches teaches discipline. Second question: You mention that you did not want the girls to be aware that you had been spanked. I assume they are aware that at times you will be corrected... While I would expect the correction would be in private, any reason why you would not want the kids to know? If you prefer to respond directly offline please feel free to write to arealspanker@aol.com. Thanks for sharing part of your life with those of us who are interested in spanking as way to discipline.Eryck
Thursday March 15, 2007 - 04:42pm (MDT) Remove Comment
Dear Eryck,Answers to your questions.A couple of questions: Is your church one that supports correction and teaches Biblical values regarding discipline? I am very intersted in finding out more about how the leadership of various churches teaches discipline.Yes and no. It is a fairly conservative traditional church, and they do teach that the husband and father is the Head of the House, and that as such, he has authority over his wife and kids, and that the mom has authority over the children as well.Spanking as a form of discipline for children, while not pushed, is certainly not looked down on, or discouraged, and there has been many a naughty youngster taken by mom for a little talk in one of the rooms in the back, for acting up. However, while I suspect that a few other couples practice domestic discipline, the church itself has/does not come out and say/promote wife spanking. Although I have a feeling if it ever came up, most of the men would be in favor of it!(and the kids, too, after all they will figure if they get spanked, why not mom!)Second question: You mention that you did not want the girls to be aware that you had been spanked.That is right.I assume they are aware that at times you will be corrected... While I would expect the correction would be in private, any reason why you would not want the kids to know? Actually, as far as I know, they don't know I'm corrected, at least not physically, as far as I know. Oh, they, like the kids before them, know that my husband is in charge that I defer to him (not always gracefully, I will admit, but I do defer), and while even some scoldings have been in front of them, most of those also have taken place in private.As to why we keep it relatively private, the fact that I am corrected like they are, well, several reasons. One, is habit, started when I was first married, and my new stepkids were young, didn't want any stories being told that would get around, about how their daddy spanked momma; either people would think we were into kinky games (which we are, but that is another post...), or they would assume I was being beaten.Same applied when they got older, not sure how they would take it, and also, I was concerned about losing authority with them, if they knew I was spanked like they are. I suspect my older girl knows her daddy spanks me, for discipline, and if she does, her little sister knows as well, but they have never said anything to me. I think that they are spanked by their husbands, and I think their brother spanks his wife, but again, they haven't said, I haven't asked.The same for the two now in college, they may know, but haven't said.My two nieces now, were spanked by their parents growing up. I don't know if my sisters are spanked or not, sispect at least one of the three is.My husband and I have talked about it, and if questioned, or asked, whether by the two with us now, or others in the family,or even by certain close friends, we will tell them what is going on, and why.Thanks for sharing part of your life with those of us who are interested in spanking as way to discipline.EryckYou are most welcome, and thank you for commenting!
Thursday March 15, 2007 - 02:25pm (HST) Remove Comment
Sometimes I hate those reminders! And gossiping is so easy to do before you even realize you are doing it or come close to doing it. Believe me I know! Oh stand there listening to people talk and nod your head, yikes! guilty.... I always hate myself when i do it too. I was reminded Wednesday night to behave myself. It worked too. :o)
Friday March 16, 2007 - 11:52am (EDT) Remove Comment
Dear Tink,Exactly! Sorry to hear you got a reminder as well...
Friday March 16, 2007 - 06:04am (HST) Remove Comment
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
19 hours ago
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