Entry for July 21, 2007 How far down do the panties come?
Whether you got it as a girl, are catching it now, or when you were, or are the one spanking, when the panties (isn't that such a cool word, panties?) come down, how far do they go? Pulled just enough down that the bottom is bared, but that is it? Mid thigh? To the knees? To the ankles? Or all the way off?
For me, I find it Much more embarrassing to be spanked, especially if it's a punishment, to have them still on, and not all the way off; I guess cause that was how I was punished growing up, and so it reminds me of it now, and thinking of how I'm being punished like a little girl is embarrassing. blush.
Although even though they start on, though down, with me, many many many times, I've ended up with them either frantically waving from one ankle like some sort of surrender flag, or they get kicked off all the way.
On occasion, for punishment,he has taken them all the way off, I remember now, but that was only as he said at the time,because he thought they were cute and he didn't want me to ruin them by stretching the elastic out with all my kicking! So considerate, he is.
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....pushed down to mid thigh. Its not the same as being undressed or being naked; its "bare bottom, pants down" and thats unique and different, and its the same for girls panties or boys shorts............and if you kick and wriggle enough, shorts end up around your ankles too!
Saturday July 21, 2007 - 03:34pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Down to the knees....you are right, it is more embarrassing than being completely off....it reminds one that the bottom is BARE!
Saturday July 21, 2007 - 07:00pm (EDT) Remove Comment
Jenny W
Auntie has a simple rule...panties are pulled down to the tops of my socks...so if I'm in kneesocks they come halfway down and if I'm wearing anklesocks they come all the way down. Either way, my bottom is spanked bare!!!Jenny
Sunday July 22, 2007 - 04:13pm (NZST) Remove Comment
How far down? Well whichever I find is the most embarrasing for the one I have to discipline. It does not take long to find that out. The panties are pulled down once the spankee is standing in the corner reviewing why they are there and waiting.... Most times the panties will stay just below the cheeks but I have been known to leave them at knees, or the ankle.
Saturday July 21, 2007 - 11:35pm (MDT) Remove Comment
How far down? Well whichever I find is the most embarrasing for the one I have to discipline. It does not take long to find that out. The panties are pulled down once the spankee is standing in the corner reviewing why they are there and waiting.... Most times the panties will stay just below the cheeks but I have been known to leave them at knees, or the ankle.
Saturday July 21, 2007 - 11:35pm (MDT) Remove Comment
LOL...A surrender Flag! Very funny! There are many reasons to have the panties at different levels at different times. When my panties are pulled down just enough to have my bottom exposed, and they are just touching my "sit spot" is very erotic. That should be done in a time of waiting for You to come in the room. That way, I'm anticipating your return, but with even the slightest movement while I wait, there is the sensation of being touched in that spot. Like I said, very arrousing! Having them all the way to my ankles while standing in the corner is good too. That way is very humbling. I feel vulnerable and exposed...in a sexy/scary kind of way. While over your knee...maybe they should be all the way off. Being bared like that before a spanking is just that much more humbling.While being bent over your sofa for a date with your belt, they should be halfway down my thighs or to my knees...depending on how much of the thighs are going to get it too! ~Sly
Sunday July 22, 2007 - 07:51am (PDT) Remove Comment
Offline IM
i start outwith them down verying lengths, but they usually end up off so i can spank between too.
Sunday July 22, 2007 - 03:45pm (CDT) Remove Comment
Offline IM
for me the optimum is at the knees with thighs accessible if needed to stop squirming. The framing effect is unsurpassed
Sunday July 22, 2007 - 07:07pm (PDT) Remove Comment
Susan M
down to the ankles at this house
Monday July 23, 2007 - 08:47am (EDT) Remove Comment
For punishment mine are all the way off for play it depends on his mood all tho in play somehow they usually end up all the way kicked off
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
20 hours ago
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