Hey all, a bit of background. Over the years I've written about lots of different play partners, some of whom I've chatted with in various groups. I had written a bunch of stories for Elle, where I was the one spanking her, but, she was such a natural Top, and I'm such a spankee, we switched, so there came a series of her spanking me stories, this is one of them.
It had been a long day, and I had called up Angie to complain and get some sympathy at lunch. She of course, had said all the right things, and made all the appropriate murmmering sounds, and said she would be happy to see me when I got home, and she would make it all better... And she probably would.
People teased us, because with her being older, but me being the one in charge, well, we weren't the average couple. Even among the girl girl set. But hey, it worked for us. Like now, she knew I had a bad day, and she would get a chance to be all nurturing, something she was very good at. I won't say she mothered me at times like this, but it was close.
I pulled in, parked, got out, and stomped inside. To be greeted by the smell of my favorite meal wafting through the house. And across the living room, over the island that separated it from the kitchen, I saw my little house mouse hard at work. I smiled, and started to go into the kitchen, when she saw me, said "Hi honeygirl! And stay out of my kitchen, shoo!"
So, I did as told, went to the island, where she had a drink already waiting for me. I took in how she was dressed, although from where I was sitting now, I could only see her from the waist up. I smiled. Her June Cleaver outfit, as I teased her. Hair all done up, nice fancy blouse, only the top button undone, and and I could see the apron around her waist. She leaned over the island, and I did too, and we kissed, and don't ask me how, but I just knew her foot had come up when we did. And my day was getting better quickly.
We chatted, she did her thing in the kitchen, and then she told me to go sit, time to eat, so I did, and she brought the food out, and my mouth dropped open! My demure little housewife was only half dressed! Yes, the blouse was still there, as was the apron, and I see she had opted for thigh high stockings instead of pantyhose, and the Victoria's Secrets tap panties, the pink satin ones, with the black lace at the waist and legs, so very retro...
And such a wicked gleam in her eye...
The overall effect, especially that I had been talking with her all this time, and had no idea, made it even MORE arousing...
"Well well well, you knowwww, I don't think I'm that hungry anymore...."
"Nuh uhhhh. This does NOT reheat well, eat first, play later."
"Fine. But, you are going to sit on my lap while we eat, missy!" Time to put my foot down here, showed her who wore the pants in the family, so to speak.
"Yes dear, whatever you say..." but said in that tone you use with loved but slightly slow children. And she sat down on my lap, her blouse now not covering her bottom at all like that, and we fed each other, although she seemed somewhat distracted,and kept claiming my fingers were wandering. Well, it's not MY fault she chose to wear tap panties, those open legs just invite playing around... After all, she KNOWS how I am.
Dinner and wine were finished, and I was NOT going to wait for her to clean up. She tried to delay, but I wasn't having any of that. She put her hands on my shoulders, as I kept walking her backwards to the bedroom, while she giggled and told me I couldn't...
Of course, moments later we were at the bed, she had no place to go, and I toppled her over...
Angie baby made a token effort to get away, rolling over, and trying to squirm, but all that did was put her little fanny up in the air so nicely... Sooo, I quickly pinned her down, fanny still in the air, feet still in her heels, kicking in the air, and I LOVED how that made that plump little rump swell and wobble. But not as much as it did when I started spanking my little tease...
Oh, she fussed and squealed and squeaked, and made token efforts to get away, but somehow, all her efforts seemed to do was to raise her bottom up just in time for the next spank... And I was noticing that her squeals and pleas were starting to take on a breathy quality, and I sincerely doubted it had any thing to do with discomfort. At least from the spanking. Trust me. I know the difference in her sounds...
Also, her pleas of "Please, no, don't, stop..." Started sounding more like "Pleaseeee don't stop...." So I didn't...
I pulled those sexy little panties (and what a fun shopping trip THAT had been!) up her tight little butt, baring most of her bottom.. and leaned down and kissed her bare fanny, twice on each cheek, and just as she purred, relaxed, and raised her bottom high in the air, I started spanking her again. Hard. Now she was getting more desperate, squirming, pleading, apologizing, and that always turned me on how she would do the whole I'm sorry I was a bad girl bit even when she hadn't been...
"Such a naughty little wife I have, wandering around the house half dressed, what if someone would have been with me, hmmm?"
"Owwww! Honeyyyyy! OW OW AHHHHH! Oh I OWWW thought about that, and I had my OWIEEE skirt in the kitchen just in caaasseeeee OWWIEEEE!"
I laughed, and pulled those pretty panties down, and took them all the way off, I didn't want them ruined and stretched out when she Really started kicking...
And then I straddled her back, pinning her in place, leaned down and kissed that bottom again, and reached for the brush.....
Spanko Brunch 2.0 #581
19 hours ago
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